From Sister Latia H.
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Blessings to you.... and Welcome to the Prayer Warriors Network "blog".... Remember to pray for the Requests that are Received and Posted, also when God has answered your prayer request send in a PRAISE REPORT so that we all can rejoice.... God Bless You....let's Post and Pray.....Amen.... Elder James Darren Hicks is the Moderator. God Bless You let's Pray. IF YOU need Prayer email The Prayer Warriors Network:
From Sister Latia H.
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Thu, Jul 1, 2010
Good Morning...
Previously on the Hicks Estate!
As we continue,
Yesterday, I was on my knees in front of my car looking at tires that had been used, worn, exposing metal (steel belt) because of an 'alignment' issue.
I was troubled. Perplexed because my thoughts of my family's safety was at stake! I thought about 'how long' were these tires being effected by the bad alignment and how many miles of road had we traveled 'unknowingly" in danger.
The Process of Aligning a Car is engineered by a machine with 'in fra red scopes' on them, with a gadget that connects to all 4 tires. This units works collectively to use a 'line of site' adjustment. The mechanic then adjusts the 'sway bar' and a few other connection points under the car! To correct the alignment issue.
I purchased 2 tires immediately. Ordered a wheel alignment. Now the car feels new again and the 'rough ride' is eliminated...
Yes! I thought about my life, my walk with God!
When I'm experiencing 'a bumpy ride', when I being 'pulled to the left', 'pulled to the right', when I am not 'feeling GOD today' I have to check my alignment.
I have to check whether or not I am still being directed by His Spirit.
*On our knees is where we 'follow'. On our knees is where we get our alignment corrected. In the presence of the God who love us... We can receive the 'aligning' we should have to live at peace with all men. In the process of aligning through prayer we have the 'MASTER Mechanic' checking our Alignment to make sure we are not 'swaying' from HIS course for our lives.
Mis-aligned tires can 'blow out' causing accidents, injury or death..."Check Yourself before you wreck Yourself".
Are you in Aligned? Are you in tuned!? Are you in the lane where God wants you? Are you allowing God the rights to make 'adjustments'?
Get Aligned.
Stay Aligned.
Ride the wave of God, safely!
Elder JDH
*(Now... I'm using 'on your knees' as a symbolic reference to prayer. Not a prescription on how you get prayer done..... Just do it!)
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