Monday, November 15, 2010

Devotion November 15, 2010 "The CHALLENGE"



It’s been a few weeks since my last blog. All is well, sometimes you just have to be quiet so that you can HEAR more clearly, SEE more clearly and then EXAMINE what you have been given to write about.


Most would call that MEDITATION or CONTEMPLATIVE WORSHIP. Whichever you prefer it is always a GREAT moment in time when you can just be quiet before the King of Kings. Sitting. Listening. Adoring Him. Allowing him to give you LIFE just by being close.


That has been my experience in the past few weeks of listening and being in the presence of our GOD. I have grown to see and know that I LOVE JESUS. I am not ashamed of that statement or destiny for my life. I LOVE JESUS CHRIST.


Our Pastor, Bishop Carlton T. Brown, of Bethel Gospel Assembly Church in Harlem, NY has given us a challenge. The challenge is for the month of November we are to carry our bibles EVERYWHERE. WOW. CARRY YOUR BIBLES EVERYWHERE.


At first that challenge seemed easier enough since I carry my Bible everywhere I go. It has been with me for over 14 years and counting….EVERYWHERE so I said to myself…. “SELF THIS IS GONNA BE EASY!” HOWEVER then as Bishop Brown continue with the obligation and “rule” of the challenge my thoughts to myself BEGAN to be CHALLENGED as well…


As Bishop was talking it appeared that I GOT THIS was my thought….then he said those words that caused this challenge to become MORE of a challenge than I HAD anticipated.


His words: “You must CARRY your Bible, NOT IN ELECTRONIC form or otherwise. NO Iphone, Blackberry, Ipad, Ipod or any other electronic device would suffice for this challenge… CARRY YOUR BIBLE through the streets, to your job to your school, to your lunch, to your gym workout place, EVERYwhere that you would go…take the Word of GOD with you!”


Hmmmmmmmm…. That was a Sunday. By that Tuesday I had failed. WOW. I was and am so used to carrying my Sword in a HIDDEN format that I was NOT used to carrying the SWORD in the open! I left my bible at home on Tuesday and felt like “trash” all day. I wanted to go and BUY a bible for the local B&N just so that I would not feel this embarrassment upon myself. I was stopped by the fact that I was a little “low” that day and I also felt the “pressure” of the Holyspirit not to use my credit card to purchase one.


The embarrassment continue to grow to the point that by the time I got to the church I was NOT going to enter the church in the FRONT door but go into the back so NOT to be noticed. Then The HOLYGHOST began to speak to me… WALK! I turned the corner to go to 119th Street which would have placed me in the “back entrance of” BGA however I was pressured by the Holyghost to walk to 120th to and through the FRONT entrance. MY heart began to pound and race because I knew that my bible was NOT ON ME.


On 120th Street and 5th Avenue, I met a brother who was walking down the street of Bethel Gospel Assembly, I hadn’t seen him in a few months, He was disturb about something and NOT having a good day. I stopped him and greeted him and he wanted to “BRUSH” me off BUT was convicted by my greeting that he stopped and began to share his plight.


He was in need and that need was MET by a setup of the Holyghost, through a man who had forgotten to pick up his Bible that day and carry it. GOD HAS A WAY of dealing with HIS people that NO one can explain.


It reminds me of the fact that GOD will use who He wants to use and HOW He wants to use them, whether that person or persons feel INADEQUATE or NOT GOOD ENOUGH or just NOT HOLY enough for His use.


Don’t allow yourself to-cause you-to miss out on any opportunity that GOD can use to bring HIMSELF glory.


Stop degrading HOW VALUABLE you are to the KINGDOM of GOD. God saved you for SUCH A TIME AS THIS.


YOUR testimony, your previous life, your old garments, your old ways, your old mindset, your old things HAS PASSED AWAY and BEHOLD all things have BECOME NEW…HOWEVER, you should be able to remember without being or becoming depressed about what GOD has brought you out of.


An OLD congregational song says: “He brought me out of the miry clay, He placed my feet upon a rock to stay he put a song in my soul today a SONG OF PRAISE ALLELUIA!”




I have done better with the Carry Your Bible Challenge since that Tuesday. Thanking GOD for the victories, conversations, and smiles I get from people who watch me as I sit and read HIS WORD in PUBLIC.


I challenge you today to never be embarrassed ANYwhere about YOUR ALLEGIANCE and ALLIANCE to JESUS CHRIST!



Elder JDH ©