Thursday, March 17, 2011

Devotion 3-17-2011

“Turn The Tape Over Daddy”


WOW. 26 Years.


Warren Sequoyah Lee Hicks, was born on this day 26 years ago to MY DIANNETTE and ME. It was an adventure from the time of his conception till then time of his crowning.


6:25am! WOW. On Saint Patrick’s Day 1985


I was worried. Diannette was having a difficult labor. Warren was a big child. There was talk of a C-section and surgery and a whole myriad of terms that for, me, as a nervous Father DID NOT HAVE GOOGLE on my IPHONE, at the time….ahem….to research ON THE SPOT!


However, I had PRAYER and a sure word from The Lord, through Peter, concerning my son and his mother, I WAS GOOD! (*Peter, a brother that has appeared in my life thru my most difficult times….a devotion is being written Peter….coming soon!)


6:00am The Child and His Mother was in distress…

6:01am Saints were called in prayer!


24 Minutes later, Warren S.L. Hicks was born. The OBGYN who delivered my son, Dr. Richard Ignatius, said to me that out of over 10,000 births that he had delivered…. WARREN was the first one where he had to GET ON HIS KNEES to deliver a child!


And I thought….. WOW… GOD, THANK YOU….!


Warren was indeed a quiet son. “WAS” is the OPERATIVE and IMPERATIVE word there. His small complaints in life were a dirty pamper and a empty bottle, his first words were “DON’T DO THAT”! His big brother James Hicks III, was doing something in the house and MY DIANNETTE was saying to him.…. “DON’T DO THAT” and WARREN repeated it!


Coming from a musical family, James and Warren, can’t help but have some of “that” within them BURSTING!


James is a Poet. Writing songs to Lyrical Beats.


Warren is a singer, with a power in direction….. HMMMMMM which brings me to my title: “Turn the Tape Over Daddy”


Warren LOVES MUSIC…. Especially GOSPEL music…. WOW! When he was a child he would try to emulate and copy off of the choir directors that he would see at any of our many church services or concerts that he attended with me.


“Where is MY DEODORANT?” would be the cry in my house many of  mornings as we FRANTICALLY look through the house for what WE KNEW was there, cause we had just bought it or just used it a day before….!!!! Looking and searching, searching and looking UNTIL we find a “CHOIR and CONGREGATION” of our toiletries amongst other items that we so desperately needed…. ALL LINE UP and in CHOIR FORMATION.




Warren was in the habit of having CHOIR REHEARSALS AND CONCERTS with our Toiletries. WOW…


For hours Warren would set the toiletries up in “sized” order and MAKE THEM SING! He would pretend for hours on end as He listens to: Walter Hawkins, James Cleveland, and many other great musicians of that time.


Small items= Sopranos

Med Size= Altos

Larger Items= Tenors


“Turn The Tape Over Daddy”!


Back then his Favorite TAPE CASSETTE was Walter Hawkins Love Alive 1 & 2. For Hours we would be hearing him directing his choir. I KNEW WE WERE IN TROUBLE when he actually EXCUSED one of the SOPRANOS for singing the wrong note and gave her a TIME OUT from rehearsal, telling her she could not sing in the Upcoming Concert!!!!!! WOW and I PONDERED these events in my heart. We, as his parents thought that these “cute” episodes BUT GOD HAD ANOTHER PLAN!


Warren is an amazing singer at 26. An ANOINTED Worship leader. A DEVELOPING AWESOME CHOIR DIRECTOR! Soon to be a WONDERFUL Husband to a BEAUTIFUL young lady WHO has become my second DAUGHTER!


Yes I am Proud of Him. We are PROUD of Him.


Recent experience: 3 Sundays ago, The Youth Worship Team of Bethel Gospel Assembly was in Charge of leading the People of GOD into Worship. Warren was singing a song at this time…


I broke down and started crying….


Cause all I could see was a Little Boy saying: “Turn the Tape over Daddy”


Happy Birthday Warren.


Mommy and Daddy Love You More than YOU WILL EVER KNOW!





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Pre, Live and Post Audio & Video Production,

Musician (Bass Guitar)



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