Know YOUR Purpose
Yesterday, July 27, 2011, my wife and I were at The Hicks Estate, we were preparing to hit “the road” on the Honda… Vroom, Vroom…
I was stopped in my tracks by a “thunderous LOUD sounding engine” that seemed too close for comfort. It was coming from the sky. I kept looking until the engine that was exhausting that noise appeared.
It was indeed a Air force Cargo Plane. One of the Largest Airplanes that I have ever witnessed. We live near the Stewart Air force base in Upstate NY and from time to time we have the pleasure of seeing our MONEY streaking across the sky… Well this was one of those times and I tell you it was mind blowing.
This airliner was HUGE! It was indeed a cargo plane and it was making its descent and turning “into” its approached landing. It had to fly right over our home and I was amazed at the girth and size of this aircraft.
What amazed me the most was the speed that it was traveling. It was VERY S L O W!
Looking at this aircraft S L O W L Y etching its way across the sky to reach its destination was like “almost” watching grass grow…. BUT THEN the LORD begin to speak to me…
The Lord assured me that:
1. This craft was created to FLY
2. This craft was created for a dual purpose
3. This craft would not stop mid-flight and fall on my head. (LOLOL)
I needed those assurances because as this craft circle around my home to its approaching landing…it almost “blocked” out the sun because it was HUGE…
It was create to Fly: Indeed it was flying…the engineering and the designs of this craft has proven its worth by the FACT that this HUGE aircraft was off the ground and IN THE AIR… with EASE!!!
The Purpose of the aircraft was being fulfilled: IT WAS INDEED AND PURPOSE a CARRIER… a cargo carrier, capable of handling more than TWICE her weight in payload at 35,000ft traveling at MACH 0.79 WOW…
The aircraft was traveling so slow that I could read the letters on its body. I started thinking…THIS PLANE WAS NOT CREATE FOR FIGHTING, IT WAS NOT CREATED FOR TRANSPORTING HUMANS, IT WAS NOT CREATED FOR VERY LONG DISTANT FLIGHTS… it was created for CARGO.
Getting heavy items from one destination to another. WOW…
The Pilot and crew KNOW of the limitations that were CREATED into the design following the PURPOSE of the craft’s PURPOSE!
WHEN this plane must go behind enemy lines…there are several other planes that accompany it…these are FIGHTER JETS and maybe even a FUEL PLANE because this plane was created for Carrier purposes…shipping cargo!
Are you “FLYING, when you should be WALKING, are you WALKING when you should be CRAWLING, are you talking when you should be PRAYING…ARE YOU IN YOUR PURPOSE?
If GOD were to do an INVENTORY of your existence would you be FOUND wanting and HANGING in the BALANCE?
ARE YOU being USED by PEOPLE outside of your DESIGNED PURPOSE?
IF the PILOTS of this aircraft were to GO AGAINST LOGIC AND TRAINING and send this plane to FIGHT in an AIR BATTLE…THEY WOULD BE KILLED and the aircraft DESTROYED!!!
Something to think about…. What’s my purpose? The answer is easier to come by then you think.
Have you come back to the ORIGINAL DESIGN for all of HUMANITY which is to LOVE GOD with all YOUR HEART, MIND, SOUL and LOVING YOUR NEIGHBORS as you LOVE yourself? Hmmmmmmm…. That’s how easy it is to GETTING STARTED in KNOWING YOUR PURPOSE….
There are hundreds of books, movies and themes dedicated to this thought: “PURPOSE OF HUMAN EXISTENCE” However, when you start with the Creator of ALL THINGS… JESUS CHRIST you are on the first page of KNOWING YOU, YOUR PURPOSE and for WHAT “YOU” are all for….
Simply put: KNOW GOD, KNOW YOU!
Elder JDH ©

Photographer, Videographer,
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