Friday, July 27, 2012

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. "Matthew 5:11-12 Sent from my iPhone

TINT- Praying for my Family today. Burying my Brother in Law Reggie Ford. Rest in Peace Reggie!

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TINT- DON'T FORGET THE TINT BOOK PROJECT! Support today if you can....

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TINT- Ms. With the BARITONE VOICE..... You are scary. Nuff said...

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TINT- I need coffee. Starbucks. 125th. Awwwwwww FORGETABOUTIT missed the stop! Life hurts sometimes!!! Need coffee. I'm losing hair!!!

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TINT- Brothers, please wear a belt. You look rather STUPID with your pants hanging down below your waist... NOT CUTE! Just STUPID LOOKING!

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TINT- Awwwwwww THE WONDERFUL SMELLS OF NYC! This is the welcome... MAT TO THE WORLD!!!! Lol. GA. SPOILED ME.... I need Orange County. QUICK!!!

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TINT- Ms. With a Tick.... If every 18 seconds you bang your head like you do against the bus glass.... And YOU AIN'T SLEEP.... You GOTS A TICK!!!

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Good Morning World. Good Morning World! Coffee Time. Let's get ready.... Yummy!

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Psalm 112:1,3 Praise the Lord! -- Hallelujah! Blessed -- happy, fortunate [to be envied] -- is the man who fears (reveres and worships) the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments. Prosperity and welfare are in his house, and his righteousness endures for ever. Amplified

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"WHERE ARE THE TV REMOTES?"...... "in the cooler on the shelf...." like Whoppie told Danny Glover in THE COLOR PURPLE!

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This is how we gonna fight.... I DID NOT BLOCK HGTV NOR LIFETIME NOR OWN NOR THAT "Say yes to this dress".... ARRERGHHHHHHH!!!!

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'this is how the fight is about to start...' SWEETIE.... I didn't POST THAT UPDATE... MY PUTER HAS A VIRAL INFECTION. SENDING OUT RANDOM STUFF..... She don't believe me!!!!! Fight at Hicks Estate after she reads that last update! Selling tickets.... 45.00 on HBO

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Man oh Man..... This was a good day! MY DIANNETTE AND I WENT SHOPPING TOGETHER and didn't get arrested for DESTROYING aisle 3. (we usually have management called on us by aisle 2) LOLOLOL. THERE IS DELIVERANCE SAINTS. LET that Be a lesson to all people. .... Follow the MAN!!!

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Nothing like forget you put a bottle of water in the freezer.... It's defrosting now. It the 110degrees in my car! LOLOLOL COOLNESS. SOON COME!!

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Well, the bees are all SUCKED UP IN THE WETVAC. @Rigid WETVAC is better than RAID!

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TINT- HELP SPREAD THE WORD..Good Morning. Check out my project and support if you can. Only 16 days left. thank you all for your support thus far..... .

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Good Morning World. Please send coffee to my office! Wait a min.... I have a "help meet". And this is how the fight will start today.........

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Thursday, July 12, 2012