Monday, May 23, 2011

Devotion May 23, 2011 / Even So Come Lord Jesus... However"

“Even So, Come Lord Jesus… However…”


I am overwhelmed right now.


I am alive. I am blessed. I am living wonderfully. NO…MY BROTHER has not hit the LOTTO yet…but I am praying for that…#IJUSTSAYING!!! If he playing, I’m Praying…being honest.


It is very early in the morning and I could not sleep for the fact that God is reminding me of WHO HE IS and to WHOM I am! I am BLESSED and OVERWHELMED with Life right now.


Let me explain…


Last week, May 14, 2011, MY DIANNETTE and I sat proudly in Bethel Gospel Assembly Church in Harlem, NYC and watched GOD performed a miracle, Warren the baby boy took him a wife, blessing us with an answer to a 26 year old prayer.


2 Years ago, April 25, 2009, MY DIANNETTE and I sat proudly in the same seats and watched my eldest son, James, married his bride. ANOTHER answered prayer.


I am overwhelmed. It is 1:31am on May 23, 2011, a day that was supposed to be NON-existent to many who believe the LIE of a judgment day foretold by false prophets, I am so glad that NO MAN KNOWS the hour or day as spoken by a TRUE PROPHET…THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.


I am remembering my sons, both of them and their births. The passage of life that God gave to us and the experiences of watching them grow up, the JOYS, THE PAINS, THE DRAMAS, THE GLADNESS, THE SADNESS, THE TROUBLES, THE TRIUMPHANT, THE VICTORIES, THE DEFEATS, THE GLOOM & THE GLORIES!


I am remembering the points when it was a THOUGHT to “throw the baby out with the bath water” then I am remembering the POWER OF MY LORD to DELIVER us out of ALL OF OUR TEMPTATIONS. I am OVERWHELMED.


This feeling is NOT one of contempt for life but one of approbation that MY DIANNETTE and I have been securely BLESSED to live thus far.


Sometimes in our life, this scripture WILL play a powerful part of our living: “Psa 30:5  For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”




This devotion is NOT bragging…well only in the fact that MY JESUS is an AWESOME LORD AND MASTER, but a DEVOTION of praise and thanksgiving to the blessings of my life.


I want to encourage you all. JOY COMETH! JOY WILL ARRIVE! JOY WILL DELIVER but you must hold on and watch your life unfold.


Watch yourself LET GO and GIVE Jesus the RIGHTS to change, flip the script, handle, direct, oversee, guide, “QUARTERBACK”, guide and PRESIDE OVER your life and ALL that DETAILS YOU! He KNOWS what HE is doing and HE UNDERSTANDS the PLANS that HE has for you and YOURS!


April 25, 2009 & May 14, 2011 took over 25 years of Blessed times and hard times combined with the desire and strength of God, Family and FRIENDS… IT TOOK A VILLAGE INDEED TO HELP MY DIANNETTE AND I RAISE THESE TWO BOYS INTO THESE AWESOME MEN.


It is never to early to start praying… My Baby girls, Anastashia and Adrienne, James’ wife and Warren’s wife were the second prayer I prayed over my sons, in the delivery room…right after they were born… it went like this: “Lord Jesus thank you for allowing my son to enter in this life, thank you for a safe delivery, NOW LORD…I PRAY for the woman that you are preparing for him to be his wife in the name of Jesus! I don’t know where she is or even if she is born… I pray for her and her family right now in Jesus name!”


That’s when my love for these two wonderful daughters was formed.


It is never too early to pray for your DESTINY! I am overwhelmed!


MY DIANNETTE and I have said it over and over again in the past few weeks… “We could NOT HAVE SET this up ONLY GOD COULD HAVE DONE THIS!”


Rev 22:20  He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 


I am surely, as I am living, in Faith believing without a DOUBT that THE LORD JESUS CHRIST will RETURN…. HOWEVER…


I am so enjoying LIFE right now that I am happy HE HAS DELAYED his return. UNDERSTAND ME…I know to be absent from the body is to be present with THE LORD…BUT RIGHT NOW… I want to see WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!


I want to see the next LINE of Blessings; I want to live the next line of LIFE I want to see MY SONS AND THEIR NEW FAMILIES BLOSSOM in THE DESTINY AND MINISTRIES that awaits them… I want to be PROUD a little while longer…


It might sound a little selfish…BUT I AM SO OVERWHELMED with the JOYS of LIFE that I want to LIVE to experience more.


So, in my Joy on this wonderful Monday morning, Share my Joy and be encouraged to know that even YOUR REDEMPTION draws nigh to see the FRUITION of all that you have been praying and waiting on GOD for.


Be encouraged today!


Elder JDH ©

James & Ana.jpgFamily Portrait.jpgWarren and Adrieene.jpg




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