Thursday, August 26, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion / Thu, Aug 26, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion

Thu, Aug 26, 2010

Good Morning...

"Touching Can Change Your Designation"
Briefly let me say in a few words that THE WOMAN who touched Jesus' hem became his Daughter with a touch.
Touch. The sensory element of touching is found all over our body. Many areas are sensitive to touching. Many areas are sensitive to pain when touched…like "biting your tongue" when your teeth "touches" your tongue the wrong way it is a killer pain…almost enough pain to make you ram your head into a wall to re-direct that pain.
In the Bible there is a story of "a woman", who had an issue with blood. (Her monthly flow would not cease). In Matthew it is stated that she was bleeding for 12 years. She was an outcast according to the law and culture of that day.
Read the story here: Matthew Chapter 9
(Mat 9:20)  And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:
(Mat 9:21)  For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.
(Mat 9:22)  But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
She said within herself…. "IF I……. I SHALL…." And she DID.
Imagine. Knowing who you are after being LABELED by society of what you should be because of a LAW. She was labeled UNCLEAN, labeled OUTCAST, labeled just a WOMAN.
This woman was pushed aside by family, MD's, the town she lived in, her neighbors, if she was married SHE WAS OSTRACIZED by her husband because of this "issue". But she HEARD about JESUS coming to a city near her and she made her way.
Have you MADE your way IN SPITE OF THE PEOPLE? Have you made your way to JESUS in spite of the PRESS AGAINST YOU? This woman had to touch his "hem" which means she was on her hands and knees reaching for her goal of a touch.
Today are you willing to "crawl" to the Master's hem to get that which you need to make a change? IN SPITE OF LAWS, PEOPLE, PLACES, THINGS, YOURSELF?!
The bible writer calls her "a woman". After she touches the hem…Jesus changes her designation and makes her DAUGHTER! IN FRONT of those condemning her HE CHANGED HER DESTINY with ONE WORD!
Can we handle that today? Allowing someone to be touched by us in a way that it produces a LIFE FLOW CHANGE, a CREATED NEWNESS OF LIFE for them, a BREATHE OF FRESH AIR, A RE-DIRECTION…causing them to realize that they are in not a lost soul in the valley of despair but by touching a FACT of LIFE. PURPOSED.
You have the WORD in you to change the course of someone's life.
Today someone is a HUG away from suicide, a WORD away from a drunken night, A TOUCH away from getting pregnant by someone NOT her husband, a KINDNESS away from being an inmate, a SMILE away from killing someone, a TOUCH away from a horrid LABEL to a NEW DESTINY.
What hinders you from doing the same…. A trial, Circumstances, a LABEL, a ill advised designation? A "He/She won't ever amount to nothing" prophecy over your life…
Break it. Lose the label. Grab the Faith. Make the Move towards Jesus. Claim your RIGHTFUL DESTINY!
Elder JDH

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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