Saturday, August 28, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion / Sat, Aug 28, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion

Sat, Aug 28, 2010

Good Morning...

"Display/Sell/Let Go"

Yard sales.
Garage sales.
Attic sales.

House moving sales, are very common where I live. Starting around April till the end of September.

All of these "sales events", are 
people getting rid of items they no longer need.

Things that were pieces of their lives and NOW they no longer have any use for them, or they have outgrown the need or desire for it, could be simply they have run out of room and need to make space, another thought could be the value of the item is diminished in their own estimate.

Whatever the 'disposal requisite' the item is now for sale. For good!

Now what I've noticed about some 'sale items' are they have barely been used, still in boxes, or was used wisely and taken care of. You have to be a wise shopper when buying someone else's junk or 'treasure'.

I am addicted to these sales. Sometimes I have found that someone's 'disposed of' is actually what I need to make that 'certain bare spot' in my home.... Brilliant!

Things you may want to get rid of should be packaged in a way that someone else can gather 'goodness' from it.

Yes. Pain. Suffering. Hurts. Dismay. Good and Bad experiences alike... Should be packaged so that you shine in the process of it's display!

Clean out your attics! Clean out your Spirit! Clean out your soul! Let it go so you can grow.

Examine the time. Thank God for getting you through that, prepare yourself and your experience to be displayed, sold and used to help someone else.

God can make good out of "all" bad!

What you getting rid of today?

Elder JDH
Elder James Darren Hicks
Overseer: Worship, Music, Arts & Production Depts.

Director of Audio, Video & Broadcast Ministries

Bethel Gospel Assembly
2-26 East 120th Street
New York, NY 10035

ofc: 212-860-6768
mobile: 646-372-2252

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
PIN: 210A2399

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