Monday, October 18, 2010

Devotion October 19, 2010 "Without The Logo"

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Monday, October 18, 2010


"Without The Logo"


Watching CNN a few days ago I was blessed to hear and see our President Obama give a speech at the Fashion Week Gala. During the speech, the Presidential Seal, fell off of the podium with a loud noise. True to the form of a great leader, where "stuff" or the small stuff at least should not bother him, he was quick in his response to this to say....


"What? You all know who I am anyways...." that was a moment for me.


My thoughts were drawn to the fact of the matter... Regardless of the seal, the logo, flags or the bumper stickers on his car, or where he is standing... We all know him. He was telling the truth.


Now, what about us in our everyday lives where we work, play, teach, live, walk, talk, breathe, dance, shout, be us, what about the people who see us.... Can they say "I know that man, I know that woman".


Can our neighbors say that out of that apartment, out of that house flows the true love of God. Out of that dwelling, live some very powerful influential people who can get help to you in the time of need, 'them thar people is truth living folk over thar'.


Without the tee-shirt, without the hat, without the 23 bumper stickers on your car, can your people truly say that you are a Jesus person? Can the world that watches you live truly say that you are who you say you are on any given Sunday morning?


When "something goes down" does your name gets 'scratched' off the list right away or is your name the first to be considered for the cause of the mess!


Things that make you go hmmmmmmm......


My Pastor, Bishop Carlton Brown preached a message on this past Sunday entitled "Dont Curse Them, Join Them". A powerful message about being Heavenly Minded and Earthly Good. Having a balance. However, never being afraid to stand up and stand out for the causes of Christ.


So, without your "label that can be seen, without the logo, without the dress code" does the world know that you are a Christ minded walking, living, breathing full of life, normal..... person?


President Obama does not need a label. We know him! Can we know you as easily!


The Apostle Paul states in 2 Corinthians 1-4 that we are "epistles or books" written not with ink but with the spirit of God and READ among all men.


This week lets be a "good read" for someone looking for the truth and proof of The Living Christ Jesus!


Have a blessed day!

Elder JDH (c)


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