Saturday, October 2, 2010

Devotions October 2, 2010:

Good Morning,


Devotion October 2, 2010




Hmmmmmmmm, an interesting thing happened while I was devouring sage sausage, eggs and some other little left-over in the fridge. A couple of days ago… You all know me somewhat, I was “multi-tasking “and I figure why not talk to my sister on the phone while eating breakfast.


BAD MOVE on 2 counts!


·        I hate talking on the phone, PERIOD.

·        CARDINAL RULE OF EATING: never talk with your mouth filled, never talk and eat at the same time.


I was breaking all of the rules together while working on a small project on the computer system. So it goes… I was talking and breathing and swallowing when I breathed inward when I was supposed to be swallowing. YIKES!!!


This was a GOD moment indeed. However, it was brought on by my sheer disobedience of rules that I learned as a child.


So, while small particles of eggs were being ‘transplanted’ into my nasal passages, my body violently rejected them by making my eyes tear, my lungs to take in small blasts of air and then VIOLENTLY making my body PUSH air through my nasal passages and mouth to PROJECT these foreign objects. MAN OH MAN…. What an experience.


I dismissed the phone call, grabbed a towel and went to sneezing violently thru my mouth then allowing my body to direct the air into my nasal passages to clear them as well. TOOK a few mins and when all was said and done, I learned a valuable lesson.


The eggs that I was indeed eating and enjoying were good for me. They were my strength for that morning, they were breakfast, my body was receiving food that I have eaten all of my life, HOWEVER they eggs are NEVER to be introduced in certain parts of your BODY or they will and can KILL you.


Understanding that passage of scripture:


Psa 139:14  I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.


Your BODY reacts when there is something in the wrong spot…even though it has been in the body before.


GOD IS SNEEZING! Make sure you are in your place; make sure you have not migrated to another location in the body and making havoc by being out of place. GOD IS SNEEZING! Are you where you are supposed to be in the place where GOD has placed you? NOT where you think you should be because you have the title, the job or the money to make a spot for yourself? GOD IS SNEEZING!


Don’t get caught up in HIS violent exhaling of the UN-necessaries in HIS BODY!


When I was sneezing and violently reacting to the particles of food “being in the wrong” place, I did not care where the food landed. ALL I CARED about was expelling the particles from my body. Hmmmmmmmm enough said on that….


Get in your place. Stay in your place. Be in your lane. Stop shifting and causing the body to go through a sneezing fits to get rid of your foolishness and drama.


Don’t you know that sneezing is one of the primary ways that “germs” infect the air around us? I wonder when GOD sneezes through his body how we are INFECTING those around us.


Get it together saints…. Let’s stop making God sneeze!


Elder JDH ©




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