Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Devotion January 18, 2011 http://todaymybrothersandsisters.blogspot.com/

“For Granted”


Talk about taking IT ALL for Granted.


Pro 6:2  Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.


On Sunday past, January 16, 2011, I saw something on TV, at my youngest brother’s house, that I would have not seen if I were NOT there. I saw a sporting event. It was a football game. NOW to the brothers and sisters reading this you might find it difficult to understand….


I DISLIKE SPORTS! I don’t watch them, never cared and you won’t catch me watching any games unless I AM FORCED to and being held captive at home because of some BIG GAME that’s on! I JUST DON’T LIKE SPORTS.


Well my brother, Derrizet Lamar, was watching this game on TV…it was his beloved JETS playing another team. I WAS FORCED TO WATCH THE LAST 45 SECONDS…however it was in that last 45 seconds that the Lord shared this thought with me…


I watched as the Jets were leading in the game and the time went from 45 seconds to I think 35 seconds and you could tell that the Jets were sort of LACKING IN DEFENSE and I ASSUMED taking for granted the WIN!!!




An amazing thing happened just as they “thought they” had won…the opposing team got a touchdown and a field goal… JUST THEN THE LORD SAID…. “DON’T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED…”


I updated my social networks with this message at *7:53pm Sunday* “So I was watching the Jets. "Celebrating" too early and gave up a touchdown! Hmmmmmmmm. That will preach!”
Little did I know that I would experience this message before posting it to the Blog!!!.
Here is my “granted story”
I have taken a strong LIKING to a game that I play on my iPhone called “Words With Friends™” for the sake of explanation it is similar to many ways to SCRABBLE™.
This game not only is expanding my vocabulary but it engages my mind in something relaxing that does not involve work… ***that’s important find something to do that helps you relax during your down time, SOMETHING YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE FORGIVEN FOR…. HELLO?***
I AM PLAYING a champion IN THIS GAME. Rarely beaten, I have played this person maybe 15 games and only won once. I am proud of my once. HAH!
On Monday evening, I was in a “tournament” with this person and I was winning by 100 points…. In my mind I was like…I think I got this game…WOW…He had seven letters left…and I had the last move…IN MY MIND I WAS JUMPING FOR JOY AND LEAPING but I refrain my BODY to show those inward expressions…. THEN…. HE….PLAYED…HIS…TILES (letters)….
His word was “toadies” it was on a double word score also as a bonus he gets 35 points for using all of his letter…HOWEVER if you are the last person to play YOU ALSO get the total number of points added to your score from the remaining tiles (letters) of your opponent. I had a “j” and a “z” which are worth 10 points EACH!!!
Needless to say…. I LOST THE GAME! I was hurt…disappointed, AMUSED and almost FLABBERGASTED that I lost. Wait a min…I feel a *tear*…give me a moment…
Even to the dismay of my opponent, who also thought that this would have been MY SECOND win and it just WASN’T.
I took it for GRANTED! That the victory was IN THE BAG!
Hmmmmmmmm….. What are you taking for granted in your life that can be SNATCHED away from you in a moment’s notice?
·        Life
·        Salvation
·        Family
·        Friends
·        Your Job
·        Home
·        Freedom
IN A MOMENTS NOTICE things that we can hold so dear, pleasures and freedoms that we take for granted can be gone from us…
How many times have we taken SALVATION for granted….by saying “I’m SAVED or SAFE so I can do such and such….it WONT HINDER MY LIFE IN CHRIST”

The BIBLE states: (Psa 2:11)  Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.


Stop taking your “life” for granted and begin LIVING your present with clarity of thought instead of visions of grandeur and splendor that arrives in your future.


Take time for your NOW. As the OLD adage goes… “tomorrow is NOT promised”.


Life. Blessings. MY NOW…Taken for granted….NO MORE!


Elder JDH ©




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