Friday, January 7, 2011

Devotion January 7, 2011 "Can You?"

Devotion Friday 01/07/2011


"Can You?"

Had a dream of a handsome, guess who, *ahem as I clear my throat* man walking into a room meeting people who could not see nor hear. 

However, the presence of that person was enough to get many smiles from this group of people. 


Communication so "deep" that it passes the floodgate of all HANDICAPS. I remember once, Bishop Carlton T. Brown, saying to me that I could make friends with “rock” and be best pals within minutes. I laughed at the statement, but then I thanked GOD for the gift of communication.

Can you? 

There is a child that I love. I love all children. This baby is 8 months old. Her presence makes my world spin INTO CONTROL. This little girl...her name is Heaven spelled backwards... *Nevaeh. She is indeed a small slice of heaven in my earthly world. She is also like an "office mascot". When her parents being her to the office, because it is winter, she is bundled up and all "tucked away" warmly in her stroller...then when the carriage is opened and she can see.... SHE STARTS sunshine on a cloudy day she BRIGHTENS the room. (*thanks to Luther and Ashley)

2 Corinthians 9:10


And God who continually supplies seed for the sower and bread

for eating, will supply you with seed and multiply it, and will

cause your almsgiving to yield a plentiful harvest.


Weymouth, 3rd


The Scripture above, came to my cell phone and as I begin to mediate on its meaning and application for my life, I thought about the dream. GOD continues to supply ME with what I need so that I MIGHT SHARE HIS BLESSINGS abroad. 


I hope that I can communicate with people who can't see, hear or are so beating up by trial, error, issues and circumstances that THEY have become "handicap" to the blessing that as long as there is LIFE there is hope.


CAN YOU? amidst all that you are currently dealing with bring HOPE to a world that so desperately needs your smile, your love, your peace.... a PEACE, WITH NO DOUBT, PASSES all understanding? 


WHAT IS IT? ...about this peace... Peace that passes understanding.... there is NO REASON, looking at the struggles you are in...that you should be smiling.... however because "THIS JOY THAT I HAVE.... the WORLD didn't give it to me..." this peace, joy and the attributes of a CHRIST LIKE spirit comes from a source that is NOT affected or IN-fected by the external vicissitudes of life! so I ask... "CAN YOU?"


Are you the catalyst for disaster or the messenger of tranquility?


Can you assume the STAND even though your own knees feel like buckling under the pressure and weight of your own life?


Can You?


Elder JDH (c) 


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