Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Devotion 9-28-2010 "This May Be My Last Time" http://todaymybrothersandsisters.blogspot.com/

Good Morning...

Devotion for September 28, 2010

"This May Be MY Last Time"

Wow, I haven't heard this song in many many years. The saints of old that I
went to church with used to sing it and the words came striking home this

The words of the song:

"This may be my last time

This may be last time children

This may be my last time

May be my last time I don't know"

Life is indeed too short.

Many of us are still trifling around with things that are so temporal and
NON-important, NON-consequential, NON-earth shattering, NON-significant,
NON-major. This things take up too much of our "PRECIOUS time". Life is
INDEED too short.

This weekend I celebrated my 50th. I am and I have started realizing that
within 40-50 years I will be going home to be with the Lord. I am realizing
that the TRIVIAL has NO place in my world. DRAMA, NONsense and things that
can be pushed aside should not have any bearing on how I am living the rest
my "borrowed" time.

This Sunday my wife and I felt "the pressure" to visit my Brother *(brother
in law....but I don't believe in in-laws.) It was a awesome visit. I was not
ready for the demeanor of his health. I was used to seeing him more robust,
more active, more alive and just more into life... This day was a day of
calm and worry. We were the only men in the house and the house was filled
with women who commandeered the TV's remote, however when I came in the door
I switched channels to something more "manly" so we watched "Pearl Harbor".

One of his favorite films. He motioned for me to come closer and I began
talking to him, we went to the terrace area and he began to share his heart.
His voice was soft. I asked him "What's up Man...?" His response was "Danna"
Danna is his wife. *My sister. (My Diannette's blood sister)

He said "I Love Danna, I am concerned about Danna, I don't want to miss her,
What about Danna and my family."

I held his hand. I looked him in his eyes and I said to him. "Man, we got
you, We got Danna, We Got the Kids, I am here and will always be here. God
got us..." I shared with him that I knew he was ready to go. He shook his
head with a "YES!" He WAS INDEED in salvation and soul sense READY to go. He
held my hand, looked me in my eyes, took a deep breath and then we watched
the cars travel on the FDR for about 5 mins without saying a word. He shook
my hand, then said... "let's watch my movie".

Well, we were both exhausted, he from his life journey, me from my day's
journey. We both fell asleep on the couch while the movie watched us.

4 hours later, Tyrone NO longer needed a walker, wheelchair, nor was there
any more pain, nor was there any more cancer taking it's residence within
him. Tyrone went home to be with Jesus. It was Glorious.

What matters at the end of your LIFE journey is YOUR eternal destination.
Tyrone knew that his was intact because of his faith in Jesus. HIS heart was
concerned for his Woman and family.

Let go of the Temporal. Grab hold of the Eternal. The Eternal always has
that element of LOVE within it. Grab hold of it, let go of the other
stuff... Begin to LOVE again.

"This may be your last time.... WE DON'T KNOW"!

Elder JDH (c)

Posted By James Darren Hicks to "Today My Brothers and Sisters..." at 9/28/2010 09:17:00 AM

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