Wednesday, June 30, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion Wed, Jun 30, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion

Wed, Jun 30, 2010

Good Morning...


Previously in the Hicks Estate...

The past two months of driving has been a challenge. My tires were 'going' bad. I had no idea. The alignment was a mess, I had no idea. The car would shake 'violently' after 65 mph (in my area that's the limit...hmmm) ANYHOW...

I WAS wondering if there was something loose under the car. I slightly bent over, just using my back to 'see what I could see'.... I saw nothing. Then the Lord spoke to me.... Get on your knees...

What I noticed when I got on my knees, what I was 'made aware of... 'On my knees', what I was shown while 'on my knees'

Caused my heart, spirit to be perplexed and shaken. The tires, front tires, were so badly out of alignment that they were riding on the 'belt radials' of the tire.

(These 'belts' surround the inside of the tire with steel for protection and stability)

While on my knees with my new knowledge... I became shaken.... I became slightly disoriented...because the thoughts that flooded my mind of what I just saw was to me... Almost Earth Shattering!

What I realized was it was good for me to be in the 'posture' of prayer while experiencing these troubling thoughts.....

To be continued tomorrow....


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Monday, June 28, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion Mon, Jun 28, 2010 Good Morning...

Blackberry Devotions Monday June 28, 2010  Yesterday. Sunday. Around 12:35pm. The Words Of life Choir got up to sing. They were singing "Rest on me…Or Rain on Me". The song was NOT going right. There was something wrong with the song and The Choir just could not get it right. NOW in rehearsal just 1.5 hours before the service they went over this song and the "children" SANG IT. You would have thought…YES!!! GOD would be pleased with this song and the preparation. GOD had OTHER PLANS. "SOMETIMES" Sometimes in Life you have done all you can do and the issue won't go away, sometimes you prepare and succeed and still seem like you CAN'T get it right. Back to the service….    Our children were "struggling" with this song. Their leader, Elder Ruth Ann, looked at them and said…STOP…they started the song over and it was "another train wreck"…. GOD "HAS" OTHER PLANS…. "SOMETIMES" As I was in the wings praying for our children I noticed a young man in the choir who was OBLIVIOUS to what was going on and he was only concerned about singing this song. HE NEVER STOPPED PUSHING FORWARD. God said to me as I watch this go on…NOW WATCH ME MOVE…..all of a sudden in the MIDDLE of the song a SHIFTED occurred… and I watched these children SING "PUSH" unto GOD HEARD them and answered their inward prayers for 'deliverance from that song' GOD HAD ANOTHER PLAN… God showed those children NOT to give up because LIFE was going wrong for those 6-8 mins…. THEN BECAUSE OF THEIR Obedience GOD was allowed to moved and tell the CHURCH. PUSH IT OUT…. Like a WOMAN IN LABOR…PUSH… I say to you today…. PUSH UNTIL GOD ANSWERS YOU…. Like JACOB…. TELL GOD NO…!!! I will NOT LET YOU GO UNTIL YOU BLESS ME. Sometimes….it just doesn't go right….. PUSH UNTIL GOD ANSWERS…. As far as the service…. YOU HAD TO BE THERE TO EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND HOW GOD MOVED…. Elder JDH

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Prayer request: Liz Snowden, 6 months pregnant her and baby at risk due to preeclampsia. They are attempting to stabilize her for delivery possibly today. She's in Houston-no family with her. I work with her sister who is also a very good friend of mine. From Leah L.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion. Fri, Jun 25, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion

Fri, Jun 25, 2010

Good Morning...

"Hidden" Part 5 the Conclusion of these matters.

God has shown me thru the stripping of the floor that this 'process' is:

However..... Somebody say... "But God!!!"

The process is also
Revealing the Former Beauty of its original design.

It's freeing

Allows you to "breathe again".

It allows the power of "realization" to take hold in your mind. Body. Spirit, that you are not a "prisoner" to your past!

In the Hicks Estate, MY DIANNETTE and I choose the plan of 3 coats, of shellac, to protect our 'investment'. The 3 coats have different applications.

1st coat: to seal the presence of the 'stripped' wood's beauty. (Covering)
2nd coat: "pressure coating" it protects the wood and the first layer from the pressure of being trampled and walked on.
3rd coat: thicker coat... Protects all three bringing a mirror like shine to the floor.

Hmmmm reminds me of the closing words of a old hymn.... "Blessed Trinity"

Think about the Father. The Son. The Holyghost all being active in your 'stripping process' to insure your Complete Wholeness! Bringing out of you a 'shine' previously unknown.

Freedom. Joy. Purpose.

Allow God the Permission to strip it away. All of it! So that He can reveal to the world the Power of Your Purpose. The Glory of your Revealing. The Splendor for HIS creating of YOU!

Strip. Reveal. Release. Shine.

John 8:32 "Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will
free you" MSG

Be blessed.

Elder JDH

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion Thu, Jun 24, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion

Good Morning...

Thu, Jun 24, 2010

"Hidden" Part Four

Yesterday we left off with the natural attribute of wood being 'porous', having the ability to soak in 'stuff'!

My hardwood floor had soaked in the fragrance of curry, then it was shellac'd over which was for the protective "coating" of the wood...


The floor was 'looking good' to the previous owner before shellacing and never was 'stripped' before the protective coating was applied.... So... The fragrance of curry... Invisible!.....

Was being 'sustained' in the wood by a protective coating 'applied' by the owners to protect the floor!

Oh my Goodness! There are things you are "protecting", items you have shellac'd over, 'stuff invisible' to humans eyes, but yet hiding in plain sight!

God! Is the designer of our purposes and lives. He knows our past... HE IS STILL THERE... IN THE PAST! In YOUR past, in OUR past...

Waiting for you to give him permission to strip away YOUR protective coating so that HE can give you a fresh perspective, a fresh outlook, a newness of life... A "BEHOLD ALL THINGS HAVE BECOME NEW" lease on your life!... (I remember reading this... "Oh Death where is thy sting, oh grave where is thy victory)

This 'stripping' process ain't easy. It's painful. Dusty. Noisy. Intrusive. Deliberate. Freeing. Necessary. Uncomfortable.

Allowing God to take away, strip away everything you have "walked on", shellac'd over and forgotten about!

Ready. Set. Go God. Do me!

Part Five the Conclusion tomorrow.

Elder JDH

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Devotion Tue, Jun 22, 2010

"Hidden" Part Two

Good Morning... BlackBerry World!

So yesterday we left off with... Finding a hardwood floor in our home that the real estate broker forgot to 'check into'.

"Hidden Blessing"

In many houses, hard wood flooring can be the 'selling point' for many people. (It would have been a deciding factor for me and The Brown Eyed Diva)... However it also was a hidden blessing, it saved us anywhere from $8,000-15,000 dollars off the selling price. HIDDEN BLESSING!

The Lord spoke to me... AS SOON AS I DROVE IN THE DRIVEWAY that this was mine!

I wrote a check for 'holding' in the driveway before I saw the property. God said... "This is the house"... I accepted. Through my obeying HIS direction... We found 'Hidden Blessings'

All the while MY DIANNETTE was in the car saying... I want to see 10 more places... I was sold because I heard the Lord speak. After the property was shown... She agreed! This is ours!

Now.... What has God asked you to do? What has he told you to 'accept' so that He can begin the process of 'uncovering' to show you your "Hidden Blessings"

Part Three Tomorrow...

Elder JDH

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