Wednesday, June 30, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion Wed, Jun 30, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion

Wed, Jun 30, 2010

Good Morning...


Previously in the Hicks Estate...

The past two months of driving has been a challenge. My tires were 'going' bad. I had no idea. The alignment was a mess, I had no idea. The car would shake 'violently' after 65 mph (in my area that's the limit...hmmm) ANYHOW...

I WAS wondering if there was something loose under the car. I slightly bent over, just using my back to 'see what I could see'.... I saw nothing. Then the Lord spoke to me.... Get on your knees...

What I noticed when I got on my knees, what I was 'made aware of... 'On my knees', what I was shown while 'on my knees'

Caused my heart, spirit to be perplexed and shaken. The tires, front tires, were so badly out of alignment that they were riding on the 'belt radials' of the tire.

(These 'belts' surround the inside of the tire with steel for protection and stability)

While on my knees with my new knowledge... I became shaken.... I became slightly disoriented...because the thoughts that flooded my mind of what I just saw was to me... Almost Earth Shattering!

What I realized was it was good for me to be in the 'posture' of prayer while experiencing these troubling thoughts.....

To be continued tomorrow....


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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