Monday, June 28, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion Mon, Jun 28, 2010 Good Morning...

Blackberry Devotions Monday June 28, 2010  Yesterday. Sunday. Around 12:35pm. The Words Of life Choir got up to sing. They were singing "Rest on me…Or Rain on Me". The song was NOT going right. There was something wrong with the song and The Choir just could not get it right. NOW in rehearsal just 1.5 hours before the service they went over this song and the "children" SANG IT. You would have thought…YES!!! GOD would be pleased with this song and the preparation. GOD had OTHER PLANS. "SOMETIMES" Sometimes in Life you have done all you can do and the issue won't go away, sometimes you prepare and succeed and still seem like you CAN'T get it right. Back to the service….    Our children were "struggling" with this song. Their leader, Elder Ruth Ann, looked at them and said…STOP…they started the song over and it was "another train wreck"…. GOD "HAS" OTHER PLANS…. "SOMETIMES" As I was in the wings praying for our children I noticed a young man in the choir who was OBLIVIOUS to what was going on and he was only concerned about singing this song. HE NEVER STOPPED PUSHING FORWARD. God said to me as I watch this go on…NOW WATCH ME MOVE…..all of a sudden in the MIDDLE of the song a SHIFTED occurred… and I watched these children SING "PUSH" unto GOD HEARD them and answered their inward prayers for 'deliverance from that song' GOD HAD ANOTHER PLAN… God showed those children NOT to give up because LIFE was going wrong for those 6-8 mins…. THEN BECAUSE OF THEIR Obedience GOD was allowed to moved and tell the CHURCH. PUSH IT OUT…. Like a WOMAN IN LABOR…PUSH… I say to you today…. PUSH UNTIL GOD ANSWERS YOU…. Like JACOB…. TELL GOD NO…!!! I will NOT LET YOU GO UNTIL YOU BLESS ME. Sometimes….it just doesn't go right….. PUSH UNTIL GOD ANSWERS…. As far as the service…. YOU HAD TO BE THERE TO EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND HOW GOD MOVED…. Elder JDH

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