Thursday, June 24, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion Thu, Jun 24, 2010

BlackBerry Devotion

Good Morning...

Thu, Jun 24, 2010

"Hidden" Part Four

Yesterday we left off with the natural attribute of wood being 'porous', having the ability to soak in 'stuff'!

My hardwood floor had soaked in the fragrance of curry, then it was shellac'd over which was for the protective "coating" of the wood...


The floor was 'looking good' to the previous owner before shellacing and never was 'stripped' before the protective coating was applied.... So... The fragrance of curry... Invisible!.....

Was being 'sustained' in the wood by a protective coating 'applied' by the owners to protect the floor!

Oh my Goodness! There are things you are "protecting", items you have shellac'd over, 'stuff invisible' to humans eyes, but yet hiding in plain sight!

God! Is the designer of our purposes and lives. He knows our past... HE IS STILL THERE... IN THE PAST! In YOUR past, in OUR past...

Waiting for you to give him permission to strip away YOUR protective coating so that HE can give you a fresh perspective, a fresh outlook, a newness of life... A "BEHOLD ALL THINGS HAVE BECOME NEW" lease on your life!... (I remember reading this... "Oh Death where is thy sting, oh grave where is thy victory)

This 'stripping' process ain't easy. It's painful. Dusty. Noisy. Intrusive. Deliberate. Freeing. Necessary. Uncomfortable.

Allowing God to take away, strip away everything you have "walked on", shellac'd over and forgotten about!

Ready. Set. Go God. Do me!

Part Five the Conclusion tomorrow.

Elder JDH

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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