Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Devotion Tue, Jun 22, 2010

"Hidden" Part Two

Good Morning... BlackBerry World!

So yesterday we left off with... Finding a hardwood floor in our home that the real estate broker forgot to 'check into'.

"Hidden Blessing"

In many houses, hard wood flooring can be the 'selling point' for many people. (It would have been a deciding factor for me and The Brown Eyed Diva)... However it also was a hidden blessing, it saved us anywhere from $8,000-15,000 dollars off the selling price. HIDDEN BLESSING!

The Lord spoke to me... AS SOON AS I DROVE IN THE DRIVEWAY that this was mine!

I wrote a check for 'holding' in the driveway before I saw the property. God said... "This is the house"... I accepted. Through my obeying HIS direction... We found 'Hidden Blessings'

All the while MY DIANNETTE was in the car saying... I want to see 10 more places... I was sold because I heard the Lord speak. After the property was shown... She agreed! This is ours!

Now.... What has God asked you to do? What has he told you to 'accept' so that He can begin the process of 'uncovering' to show you your "Hidden Blessings"

Part Three Tomorrow...

Elder JDH




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